Exhibition: “Leonardo mai visto”

Exhibition: “Leonardo mai visto” Artefatto produced the official merchandise for the “Leonardo mai visto” exhibition, which took place from 16 May 2019 to 19 April 2020 at the Castello Sforzesco in Milan.The exhibition met with great success, as did the...

Fondazione Torino Musei

Fondazione Torino Musei Artefatto has designed a line of official products for the Civic Museums of Turin, meeting requirements expressed by each of the museums. The design project was based on the official visual languages and styles provided by the...

Exhibition: Tutankhamun RealExperience”

Exhibition: Tutankhamun RealExperience” Artefatto contributed to creating the official merchandise lines for the “Tutankhamun RealExperience” exhibition which took place in Prague from 21 August 2019 to 2 February 2020 and at the Palazzo Reale (Royal...